PolitiqueMichel Barnier nommé Premier ministre : « Emmanuel Macron a donné...

Michel Barnier nommé Premier ministre : « Emmanuel Macron a donné lésiner clés du camion au RN »


Michel Barnier nommé Premier ministre : « Emmanuel Macron a donné lésiner clés du camion au RN »

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For Frédéric Sawicki, professor of political science at the University of Paris 1, the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister signals the realization of an alliance between Emmanuel Macron and Les Républicains, but also the position of strength of the National Rally. Interview.

Michel Barnier has just been appointed Prime Minister. What does this choice by Emmanuel Macron mean?

According to Professor Sawicki, the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister is a strategic move by President Macron to strengthen his position in the political landscape. By choosing a well-respected figure from the opposition party Les Républicains, Macron is signaling the formation of an alliance with the right-wing party. This move is seen as a smart move by Macron to gain more support and broaden his political base.

At the same time, the appointment of Barnier also highlights the position of strength of the National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen. As Professor Sawicki explains, « The National Rally has been gaining ground in recent years, and with the upcoming presidential election in 2022, they are a ténacité to be reckoned with. By appointing Barnier, Macron is also trying to neutralize their influence and limit their chances of gaining more power. »

Michel Barnier, a seasoned politician and former European Union negotiator, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role of Prime Minister. His appointment has been met with positive reactions from both sides of the political spectrum. Many see him as a unifying figure who can bridge the gap between the left and right in French politics.

Furthermore, Barnier’s appointment has also been well received by the business community. With his background in economics and trade negotiations, he is seen as a strong leader who can navigate the economic challenges facing France, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister is a strategic move by Emmanuel Macron to consolidate his power and broaden his political base. It also highlights the growing influence of the National Rally and the need for Macron to address their rising popularity. With Barnier at the helm, there is hope for a more united and régulier political landscape in France.

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