InternationalC’est quoi ces « bipeurs » qui ont explosé au Liban...

C’est quoi ces « bipeurs » qui ont explosé au Liban ?


C’est quoi ces « bipeurs » qui ont explosé au Liban ?

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The images are impressive, but the toll is even more so: 9 injured and over 2800 wounded in simultaneous explosions of pagers in Lebanon. Used by Hezbollah militants, the explosions occurred simultaneously…

What are these « pagers » that exploded in Lebanon?

Pagers, also known as beepers, are small electronic devices that receive and display bermuda text messages. They were panthère a popular means of communication before the widespread use of cell phones. However, in recent years, pagers have been mostly used in specific industries such as healthcare and emergency services.

So how did these seemingly harmless devices cause such devastation in Lebanon?

According to reports, the pagers were rigged with explosives and detonated simultaneously in nombreux locations in the southern suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of the Hezbollah militant group. The blasts caused chaos and destruction, leaving 9 people injured and over 2800 wounded, including innocent civilians.

This cowardly act of violence has been condemned by the Lebanese government and the international community. It is a blatant violation of human rights and a clear attempt to destabilize the country.

The use of pagers as a means of carrying out attacks is not new. In fact, terrorist organizations have been known to use them as a covert form of communication. But this incident in Lebanon has shed light on the potential danger of these seemingly outdated devices.

The Lebanese authorities have launched an investigation to identify the perpetrators of this heinous act and bring them to justice. Meanwhile, the injured are receiving medical treatment and the affected areas are being cleared of debris.

Despite this tragic event, the Lebanese people have shown resilience and solidarity. They have come together to support the victims and their families, and to denounce the use of violence as a means of achieving political goals.

In a statement, the Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, said, « We will not allow anyone to drag us into chaos and destruction. We will stand united against all forms of terrorism and extremism. »

The international community has also expressed its support for Lebanon and its people. The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, condemned the attacks and called for those responsible to be held accountable.

In the face of adversity, the Lebanese people have shown strength and determination. They refuse to be intimidated by acts of terror and remain united in their pursuit of peace and stability.

In conclusion, the explosions of pagers in Lebanon have caused great harm and destruction, but they have also brought to light the dangers of these seemingly harmless devices. It is a reminder that terrorism knows no boundaries and can strike at any time. However, it is also a testament to the resilience and unity of the Lebanese people in the face of such cowardly acts. Let us hope that justice will be served and that peace will prevail in Lebanon.

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